By means of our brief home page we have endeavoured to provide you with many interesting facts on our Cairns.
You have got to know that the Cairn Bries breeding activity is realized with high commitment and love for our dogs.
We do not refrain from costs nor efforts to maintain the Cairn breed in its original, healthy and robust form.
Always according to the motto:

Once a Cairn means a Cairn for life 

Cairb Bries Lolly Pop

Dt. Ch.Cairn Bries Lolly Pop

Cairn Bries

Dt. Ch. Cairn Bries Take a Chance

Cairn Bries lJr. Surprise

Some of the pictures of our web site were placed at our disposal by "Cairn Bries dog parents". We wish all of them much fun with their Cairn Bries Cairn Terriers.
If you are interested, we can also recommend "Clausthaler" dogs. They do not always obey but as a result of consistent training they will obey more often than not ...Cairn terriers are genuine personalities.
Cairn Bries dogs excel by a marked playing instinct. They are highly endowed for agility and other types of canine sports. Some Cairns bred by us are also used in hunting.

Picture on the left:
Junuor KFT Champion Cairn Bries Jr. Surprise

a big praise

to our webmaster, Mr. Fritz Hebart, Sealyham Terrier kennel - 'from Hebart`s Kennel'.
He had to spend many a night on our special wishes.

Sealyham Terrier
The Sealyham, a lovable terrier with character, charm and wits is nowadays seldom seen.

We owe some of the most beautiful pictures of our puppies to Eckehard Benecke. To take these pictures, he was always found in the garden, on his knees, being nibbled at by the puppies.
Eckehardt, we do hope that your knees are better by now and send you a big

Schwarzer Terrier

Owner: Eckehardt Benecke

Thank you!

Picture on the left:
Black Terrier, Jim Beam vom Kellergeist.
Junior KFT Champion
German KFT Champion
Endurance test
Suitability for breeding without limits
Hip dysplasia B1, Patella luxation 0

If you are interested in getting a little charming Cairn having the tousled look of Cairn Bries, we will be pleased to give you advice, even after the purchase.
Should you wish to see our dogs in reality, you may come and see us prior to making a date.
Here is a brief description of how you can find us

Auf Wiedersehen in Petershagen!

.... and good-bye!

Cairn Terrier Pfoten

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